Monday, 23 November 2009

stage 2 cement

woke bright and early today ,i inspected my cement trays they had dried but much to my disapointment they didnt stick to the surface too well . (tray 5) i pick up and it fell off ahhhh,

so after a little think, i applyed some color bright pinks and yellows and a sprinkle of green, followed by another mix of cement but this time much wetter and i mixed in mor
e pva glue

i moved the surface addin more water it started to remind me of my childhood and playin with mud pies or messin at the beach with wet sand ,i try to follow a kind of rule but my rule were force to change because i have never played with this toy i dont know how to caresse and please the materials .

The photo on the left is how they look now im going to apply more color but im finished with the cement . All 5 of the speakers work (sound comes out) im now working on the the audio to be played im not sure how many cd players i will use, i do know that if i had five i would use five but for a starting point i would defiantly use two.

Im going to use the speaker s to resonate my influences , i will type key words into internet search engine s and then download the audio or film and then form an audio composition to play
out of the cement tablets .
i also intent to paint automatic response to this piece . (big)

Friday, 20 November 2009

barcalona was bute !

just so i dont forget or lose my note book again i wannna write artists whose work i came across and why it connected with me .

Augusta Rodin ,Carmen Segovia( this work in perticular just found her on blogger lol .Marc Rabal(
i think i saw all these artists in the same place. unsure
robert morris,Tomas Schmit,David Maljkovic,Armando Andrade Tudela
i like this note pad i can save links the work i feel so smart yet stupid for not doing this last year for that mater since i was a small boy .
modernologies was an exerbition at macba barcalona works by Mathias Poledna, Louise Lawler
Dieter Roth,Richard Hamilton,Jaume Xitra(,stencil 1934)
a land art film the spiral jetty
clip from film above. Robert Smithson fasinateing work of such magnitude clever in many ways the film style the ideas the process was something i dream to have ,it reminded me of Richard Longs work .

"the artists task no longer consists in creating a work of art but in producing creation anew"

Anna Artaker artist i realy interested in hard to find more info on her but i will follow it up.
RunA Islam s film s simlar in big ness remind me of Steve Mcqueen s work but the contents is different both sucsess full artists the utilis film as a medium (big projectors )
Henrick Olesen top image
this is a cool link i found no doubt ill use again.
while in spain i watched a story on the news about church fonts it was amusing because i made my boot piece was kinda related to a church font in the back of my mind. Link

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

made in cement stage 1

New project anonuced on monday "identity" i wanna work with cement,i saw some art work that used cement /paint i saw in barcalona last week .
Antoni Amat (small blue pic)
any how my idea is biuild a frame 40 cm by 20 cm , and put a backin on it mdf most likely.
You can see from the photos that

i have begun.Half a bag of cement was mixed with pva glue and water it was then devided up between the 5 trays , they each had a speaker atached right through back to leave the pontencial for sound to be played out , im unsure if this will work or even why i want it to ? sound to me is a colour it adds depth .Im workin on the sound while the mixture drys. i hope to add the paint first thing monday morning ,then another layer of cement again workin the materinals in a random seletion .
I have this vision of the work being like a tv with sound coming from a picture forgin sounds some idea s i have are to use turkish rock punk from the 70s , tv news from religious chanals what ever pops up !

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

hug the montain

im gonna expose u too some of my work ive been doing, the brif was to create site specific work for a rockclimbing wall in byker, newcastle upon tyne, which happens to situated within an old church. I made two piecs for this project the first was 2 toilets signs made from fused glass, i wanted to demonstrate my fustration at creatin art for arts sake . There quite good i think, i made a series of drawins ,watercolors,spray,stencils to come up with the desgin then i handed them to a guy called ashley sage a stained glass specilist .I let his abilty and chance to do the rest i had never met the ashly until i went to colect the finished product, i smiled.
The second was a film instalation titled porn climb ,It feature riped samples from "youporn" and "youtube" in both websites search bar i typed the words montain climb with this fotage i made the above.My idea behind this was my passion for ready made-art,chance and new possiblities .This is transgresive art following the similar atribute s to that of Cage,Duchamp ,Kenneth Anger,Zhu yu,Carolee Schneemann e.g
my pallete should be what ever my mind dreams and my restraints allow me.recently i care more for the process in art than the product

the reason for the shortness is due to the fact that the free porn downloader only alows you to download 30 seconds of witch i delated some music .
update and fix soon this is my first blog i feel like i came to quick but it is late and im tired for some strange reason im gonna atempt to watch woman in red with gene wilder and kelly le brook, haha not with them featuring them that would be weird!

i can blog now look out !

first post is arial as a font a good choice ?